Feedback and digital media in vocational education and training

“So far, I have collected stacks of paper questionnaires with the trainees’ feedback. Afterwards, I had to spend ages evaluating the results. Since we started using Edkimo, it’s all automatic.”

Horst Hochkirchen, Feedback representative and deputy head master Motor Vehicle Guild Hagen/Ennepe-Ruhr, Germany

Trainee feedback in vocational training

Does the training correspond to the idea you had of the profession beforehand? How satisfied are you with the company? With the feedback app Edkimo, trainees give an honest, anonymous assessment. The evaluation in real time enables us to continuously develop quality and motivates trainers and trainees alike.
The Hagen/Ennepe-Ruhr Motor Vehicle Guild is one of the first guilds in Germany to work with the Edkimo feedback app. The integration of digital media in vocational training and continuing education is also one of the core elements for the debate on vocational training 4.0. Personally, I have gained a lot of time through online feedback. I’m using it to develop a new questionnaire. In it, I would like to ask the master craftsmen how they actually assess their apprentices.
